Tuesday 23 April 2013

Time stamped piece

Don't you just love when you know exactly how old your "new to you" piece of furniture is? 
I know I've spent many hours online trying to guess how old this or that piece of furniture is. Most of the time it's all guess work. 
But sometimes I get lucky and the date is stamped right on the piece. This one says May 8 1830!

 I nearly fell over when I saw this piece sitting at one of the goodwill stores I go to. 
It was an instant love affair.
 Yes, I could see she had seen a lot of love, and maybe a bit of abuse. Heartbreak even.
 Bits of veneer missing..but what can you expect from something this old and this lovely?

love...yes love. I almost didn't want to give this one up. 

I posted it on fb..and had lots of inquires..but one person stood out and definitely wanted it. She asked for a teal colour and I accommodated it. After all I do this to bring pieces of furniture together with their rightful owners. 

Here she is! 
 I may have gone slightly overboard with the "after" pics.
 But in my defense... it's spring and this is my first "outside" shots of the year.
 Don't these knobs look FAB? I seriously need to make another trip to Hobby Lobby!

 Lots of distressing..just like she was meant to have.
 My Husband rolled his eyes when I brought out the wine to stage it with..my daughter laughed.
 Doesn't everyone drink wine when they have to study?

sigh...I wish I could spend more time with her...but she is begging to go to her new home. 

In just two days we will be leaving for a 10 day vacation. I'm sure to post pictures along the way, after all what's a good road trip without stops at hidden junk stores and flea markets? 


  1. i just did a piece in this same color! you did awesome!

  2. Wow...amazing transformation! LOVE the color :)

  3. This is beautiful! I love those colors together. What color did you use for the top? It's perfect!
