Saturday 8 November 2014


As many of you know I've been in a bit of a bind lately. 
My business has been growing by leaps and bounds, and has quite frankly outgrown my house. 
I've been moving things around and trying to stack furniture, but it wasn't working. 
My little business was taking over. 
Bit by bit. 
My home was no longer my home. 
And it made me sad. 

So a few months ago I started my search. Not seriously, just looking at what was available out there. 
We came across one I could afford a while back, but it's wasn't exactly right. 
So I thought I would stop my search for a bit. 
Then got back to it this week. 

I found two. 

We went and looked at both today and guess what?

I'm moving!!!

My shop that is. 

My house will once again be my home and my clients will now have a place they can come to that does not involve stairs!!!! 
I can do MORE! 
I can serve more! 

And I can hold more classes! 

So excited!!!!


  1. Awesome news Titia - Congratulations! We're so happy for you but a little bit sad, too, we'll miss coming to your house for a visit with you, Rolf and Mandy! Look out world, here she comes!

  2. Terrific news! Hope the expansion move goes well..
