Friday 9 March 2012

Cottage time.

I was going to write a blog last night, but it was a busy day with opening the cottage. I literally started, then went to sit down with my husband for a min and fell asleep! 
I think my body needed it. 
But I'm back..better late than never. 

First. I want to say a HUGE thank you to Mr. Smith of The Smith Garage for honouring me with the Liebster Blog award! 
 What is that? you may ask. 
For those who haven't heard of it before, the award is designed to recognize and promote blogs that have less than 200 followers.

I can't tell you how blessed I feel whenever another blogger appreciates my hard work!

1) Thank the person that gave it to you. THANK YOU Mr. Smith!!

2) Link back to their blog

3) Put the award in your blog

4) Present the award to 3-5 blogs with less than 200 followers

5) Leave a comment to let those blogs know that you've recognized their awesomeness!

The five blogs that I so Drool over follow are:

There are so many other blogs I follow or love that it was really hard to pick just 5. 
And on top of that, a good friend of mine just started her own blog. She makes the cutest things for kids, so I'm going to add her to this list as well. 
Check her out at

Now onto the main event....the COTTAGE! 
We've been cottage owners now for 7 years. I can not imagine NOT owning one now. A year and a half ago we sold our old cottage and bought a different one. There is a long story behind it..but I won't bore you with those details today. 
We LOVE our cottage. BUT we want to make changes to it. However our budget isn't huge :( 
Ohhh so many things I would love to do. But this no money thing is forcing me to get creative. 
First order of business this year is our kitchen (and bathroom upstairs) 
This is what our kitchen looked like last night. 
 Please don't mind the mess. We were just unloading, unpacking and getting set up for the season.
 The fridge is going to be moved! I am thinking of putting a hutch in there or a wardrobe? What do you think? 
We are also going to paint the cabinets Dark lower and light upper? The counter is being replaced..I'm thinking tile? And the tile on the wall is going. More tile. 
That opening is wonderful, but we are going to make it go right down to the counter. 

 Obviously the window covers are getting replaced and a new colour is getting picked for the walls. The door fronts on the drawers are getting replaced as well. 
We already have a new microwave (thanks to a friend of mine)
The stove is ugly, but it works great! 

 The Fridge will go in this corner and I'm going to try my hand at making an island out of an old dresser :)
 This is the back entry. My father in law made that shoe holder thing. My husband does not want me to paint it...but I'm still hoping to change his mind. 
What do you think of the American flag? I bought that at a yard sale last summer for 50 cents! It's paint on canvas! I sooooo want a Canadian one (since we do live in Canada) LOL
That's it for today. We've done all our measuring and we will be heading to the re-store this afternoon to see if we can get inspired! 
Have a wonderful Friday everyone!   

Sharing on these wonderful sites:
Pandoras Craft Box 
Decorating Insanity 
Five days Five ways 
Two Sasters 
The Shabby Nest 
Fingerprints On the Fridge 


  1. Congratulations on your award! It is nice to be recognized. Visiting from the Eye Heart blog hop. Have a great weekend!

  2. Thank you so much for the award! I really appreciate you liking my blog enough to give me the award! Love the cottage. Love the idea of the lower cabinets darker and the upper lighter. I agree though, you do need a Canadian flag too! Thanks again! Have a wonderful weekend!


  3. I am so honored. Thank you very much. I will make sure to add a link back to your blog.
