Wednesday 4 July 2012

4th of July

Happy 4th of July, Independence day! 
I know I'm Canadian, and we just celebrated the founding of our country, but I have such wonderful family and friends that live south of the border I couldn't miss out on wishing you all well. 


I don't know about where you are but here in South-Western Ontario it is HOT. I love this heat. I love the sticky feeling when you walk outside and even the slight breeze (if there is any) makes you feel like you are in a sauna. A lot of people tend to think I'm crazy. I tend to think everyone else is crazy. This is after all Canada. We suffer through winters, we should never complain about summer! I revel in this :) :) 
I don't need 4 seasons. I could live with and dry, or hot and wet. :) Maybe that comes from living in Brazil years ago. Whatever it is..I love it. 

Maybe it's that time of year, but this week everything has been going well for me. I found some great deals at some yard sales over the weekend. 

I found this adorable little table. I have no clue what I'm doing with it yet, but I want it to be really fun. It just screams for something out of the ordinary. So going to leave it till inspiration hits. :) 

Then I found this amazing TV console. Obviously the tv part was gone, which is a bonus for me. I hate having extra parts waiting around till garbage day. This I knew what I was doing with before the money left my hands.. Can't wait to get started...ohhhh going to be so pretty :) 

 This is a very old chest. See the working lock? I had planned on stripping it down and adding those wheels to it, but after bringing it home I noticed it had been painted for a reason. There appears to be a lot of wood fill in one corner. It's rough, so maybe they used a lot for a little problem? I don't know, will keep you updated on that one.
 Then I found these two beauties. Actually they came from the same place as that little table at the top of my post. And these were not in the yard sale, so no one else had a chance to nab them. Apparently talking to owners will lead them to showing you things they weren't really thinking of putting out :) HUGE grins from me as I drove away with these babies in the back of my SUV :) :)

 Then came this sad little boy. I actually think he was feeling like he was being given away. He had been in the same family for 3 generations. Two of whom loaded him up for me, and spoke fondly of their years with this guy (the dresser that is) I never could understand giving selling a family treasure. Especially not after 3 generations of use. I will do a completely separate blog on this's almost finished and looks AMAZING!
And what yard sale day wouldn't be complete without a few little things that just make you smile. These wonderful old CANADIAN HONEY tins did it for me. 

Back to work for me...Hope you all get to enjoy a bit the sun and warmth and some time with family and friends over this week and weekend. 


Sharing this week at:
Restore Interiors 


  1. it is soooo hot here...the grass crunches when we walk on it.
    have fun with your new finds!!

    1. Thanks I kinda got sidetracked on a couple of dressers I picked up mid week...cant' wait to share. Stay off the grass and grab something with ice in it :)

  2. Just wanted you to know I love your blog. Hope you enjoy your goodies you got from my friend`s garage sale. I`m sure you`ll find something really great to create with them.

  3. Thank you so much..I love your website and can't wait to visit the store :)
