Friday, 16 November 2012

All about Chalk boards

For a while now I've been collecting (without thinking) some frames. They are fairly easy to sell and so I never really thought about it.
Then while walking through the paint section of a local hardware store I noticed a can of "chalkboard" paint. I thought, gee I should try that. 
Then I noticed the price and walked away. 
But like so many times...a seed was planted. 
And I became obsessed with the idea. 

So I started planning..and getting the "stuff" together that I would need to finish all the little projects I needed...and to get the nerve up to spend that $20 bucks on something new (the can of chalkboard paint) 
Not sure about you, but I hate to spend money on stuff I am not sure about. 

So I finally did it, and I love the results. 

Check out my chalk boards. 
I'm going to be doing a lot more of them. I really enjoy it. :) 

 This one was a mirror..obviously. It's already sold and will be going home this weekend. :)
 This one was made by using an old barn window frame.

 And old mirror converted to a chalk board.

Now to try the whole magnetic chalk board thing. 

What were you afraid to try then after doing it, wondered why you waited so long? 

Have a great weekend everyone!

Sharing here:
At the Picket Fence
Miss Mustard Seed 


  1. I love chalkboard paint! I prefer the spray to the brush on - it just works better for me. Procrastinating on projects and wondering why happens to me all the time! I guess inspiration must strike first.

  2. Love love love the chalkboards, I just did the magnetic chalkboard, messy stuff, make sure you stir it read good to get all the gook at the bottom, it took 3 coats for it to be magnetic and it does not come out as smooth soon as chalkboard paint. Let me know how you make out with it. again the chalkboards look great. hugs Tobey
