Thursday 27 March 2014

LUUUV! Old and industrial!

So I know you don't spell Love, Luuuv, but it's how I am feeling about this today. 

First the picture I sent my husband. 

Sorry for the poor quality, phones are never the best pics. 
He just said...yeah so? 
Are you kidding me? I was just about jumping out of my skin here. 
The buffet unit on top is solid wood and look at that cart! 
That's right, I bought both! 
Thankfully our daughter was home when I pulled in so I could unload the buffet

 I had been eying up this unit for weeks and was totally shocked that no one had nabbed it. Course it had been over priced (in my world, everything I WANT is over )

 This thing is old I have no idea, but all that detailing is solid's amazing in real life.
Can you imagine building this? I can't..but so thankful there are those out there that did. :) 

Then this...oh my. 
I can't tell you how often I've drooled over these carts. 
And they are getting harder and harder to come by. And when you do, they are super expensive. 

 So to find this was amazing.
 This is now officially the most expensive thing I've bought!

 Look at all that industrial sweetness!

LUUUV! new favorite word :) 

Miss Mustard Seed
One Project Closer 
Savvy Southern Style 
Ivy and Elephants 


  1. Love that piece. I had something very similar and I am trying to remember what happened to it!!!! I think it went with a house that we sold fully furnished (darn it) Those carts are fabulous AND hard to find! xo Diana

    1. You did what? Silly girl. Course I've gotten rid of things that either my husband bugs me about or I just miss to pieces. I feel your

  2. OMG - I'm so jealous over that cart I can't tell you - how lucky can you get????

    1. Thank you...I can't wait to work on it. :)

  3. That is an amazing find!! Can't wait to see what magic you work on this one - both the cart and the buffet...

    Just plain WOW. :)
