Friday 7 March 2014

Porcelain Bowl

Oh so wonderful.
Don't you just love when you find something you fall in love with? 

But what to do with it? 

 I went to a local thrift store yesterday and this just jumped out at me. It's in PERFECT condition!
 I love the colour and the glaze and the over all design. I know it's new, not vintage...but I just couldn't leave it behind.
 I brought it home and showed it to my husband. His first question was....what are we going to do with it? After all we have a kitchen full of bowls. All of which I love and wouldn't give up.
 So then he got to thinking...which didn't take long. I love how his brain works. Seriously he is as creative as I am, maybe more!
 So his thought was....turn it into a sink for our bathroom at the cottage.
Now if only we can find a way to cut a hole in the bottom without breaking it. 

Hmmmmmm for $6 I think it's worth a shot?

One Project Closer


  1. I love it. A sink? It must be bigger than I thought! Love the shape and color of it. I hope it survives the hole cutting! xo Diana

    1. me too. A friend suggested going to the dollar store and get a few cheap ones to practice on

  2. Super-smart hubby you got yourself there! :) it should look incredible as a sink - I never would have thought of that in a million years. Fingers crossed tightly that it survives the "hole making" process...

  3. That bowl is MORE than gorgeous and would make a lovely sink... Good luck with the courage part! That's always the hardest part or me.....
    xx Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique
