Saturday 1 March 2014

Media room dresser (sadly it's not mine)

A client (friend) is creating a media room in her home. 
A perfect place for her family to gather. 
I've seen the room and it's not one of those simple empty rooms with a screen and some chairs..this is a work of art. 
I'm going to beg her to take pictures of it when it's all done...and I can't wait. 
She and I went shopping for a piece that would hold all her DVD's etc
She wanted something that had a bit of an industrial feel to it. 

Yes I know...this doesn't look at all industrial, but trust me it works :) 
the size was right as was the price. The rest is up to me ;) 

She wanted the colours she was going to use incorporated in this dresser. 
So this is what I came up with for her.
 I repaired the drawers. I even had to remake one drawer completely!
 The top had some dings and deep I kept some of that while sanding..
 I used two completely different set of pulls on this. One for categorizing the DVD's and the other set was just to fun not to use. Her husband is a plumber so this was just perfect for them. 

 I added some industrial feel wheels.

I think it all works well together and they get years of wonderful use out of it. :) 

The Shabby Nest
French Country Cottage 
Domestically Speaking 
Elizabeth & Co 
Savvy Southern Style
Miss Mustard Seed  


  1. This media centre looks awesome! How fun those pulls are, too! I love seeing dressers turned into media centres, they can hold so much of the things that clutter up the room. I love the colour of this one.
    Debbie :)

  2. Wow! What a great re-do! You're right : the before was not very impressive.... Your client (friend) is VERY lucky to have you around!!
    xx Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique
