Wednesday 28 May 2014

Spring planter

I'm so thrilled with all this wonderful weather I can hardly sit still. 
I'm really looking forward to lots of flowers this year. And to help things along I redid a few planters for my husband to fill. 
Yes I can garden, but he LOVES to garden, so I very easily handed that job over to him. 

One of our pots died over the winter, just fell apart. 
So when I was out the other day picking things up from a pre yard sale pick, I found these sad pots. 
 Not sure if this is what they looked like new. I loved the shape and the size and of course the price. :) 
So I wiped them down and pulled out my "General Finishes" Milk paint and went nuts.

 A bit rough right? But after only one coat they were already looking way better!
 But still a bit plain. So I added some med grey glaze.

 Now for Hubby to do his job and fill them up to over flowing!
And we will see how well they hold up. 
And since the ones at the front of the house were looking pretty old I took them in and did the same treatment. 
Colour seems a bit different because I took pics at different times of day. 
But they are all the same colour....I swear! 

 These sit at the front of the house and the others will go out back.
Wonder how long I have to wait to get those flowers. I think that if it doesn't happen by weekend...I'm going shopping myself. 

I'm NOT the most patient wife in the world....sorry hun. 

Miss Mustard Seed
Savvy Southern Style 
36th Avenue 

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