It's just about Halloween!
When the kids were little I used to decorate and make costumes and take pictures, leave a bowl outside on a chair and hoped the "honour" system worked (it did!) and take the kids out from house to house.
Now I seldom decorate since I never know if I'm going to be here at home or at the cottage.
This year I'm home.
I love seeing all the costumes and hearing what the kids say.
One year I wore my jammies and a kid didn't say trick or treat he just looked at me and asked rather loudly "are you wearing your pjs?" His father was soooooooo embarrassed! LOL I just laughed and said, why yes I am :)
I hope I hear some cute things tomorrow as well.
At some point in the evening, before or after the kids come by, I'm going to be saying goodbye to the wardrobe I finished.
It came to me in many many pieces.
You can read the whole post HERE
Well after doing a lot of figuring out what goes where, taking parts off that didn't fit the design of the client and cleaning, stripping, gluing, screwing (in a good way)
We were able to finally start putting it back together.
My husband was sooooooooo in love with this piece wanted to have a hand in putting it back together again.
I took every bit of all that detail off, stripped it, sanded it and put it all back.
These pics are after priming it.
My hubby claims to be tall, but even he has to use a stool to reach ;)
In the end all that hard work was so worth it!
Isn't it perfect for a little girl?
All those details just pop!
Stars for special dreams
This was big enough that we were able to put in two clothing bars :)
And of course pink is amazing!!
Since this is such a wonderful white I waxed it with a clear wax to preserve the finish. I wish you could touch's just sooooooooo smooth!
Can't wait for them to see it in person.